I opened your letter and there it was
All smiles and bright and inviting
The comfort of words so exciting
You said you loved me and wanted to help
Years of battles would soon come to an end
Or so I thought hearing words from your pen
Only to find that your words were untrue
Which only caused hurt rather than to mend
For love, it seems, should transend
All borders, of body and mind
To bring to those who seek a find
Of peace of heart and goodwill to mankind
For Who was it that said to me
Don't worry, my son, love is kind
Longsuffering, He said, and forgiving
Not selfish or hurtful or blind
You said that you loved me
And you were ready to help
I though you'd help free me
From the anguish of years, or so I felt
As an orphan I came to your door
All battered, bloodied and torn
Looking for comfort, pleading for hope
Please sir, a piece of bread, help me cope
Your eyes looked down into my face
You saw the hurt, the scars, the disgrace
And the door you closed so slowly so gently
But I thought you said you loved me ?
"Little children, let us not love in word but in deed and in truth." (1Jn 3:18)